Harmonize’s mzungu girlfriend steps out wearing a short dress, fans grab her legs while on stage

Wasafi records team yesterday performed in front of thousands of fans at the Mwamba Yanga grounds. Judging from the photos circulating on social media, it’s clear to see that the boys pulled a huge crowd.
After most of them performed, Harmonize finally got on stage to perform accompanied by his girlfriend. Well, surprisingly the lady Sarah was dressed in a short dress that most people could peep through.

Having given the Tanzanian fans something to ogle at, those who were close to the stage are seen trying to touch her legs. Not quite sure if this is what they had planned but you can see how the male fans ran their hands on her long legs.

Fans steal Wema Sepetu’s gold rings
In the past we have heard the likes of Wema Sepetu complaining about fans robbing them while on stage.
The Tanzanian sweetheart once cried her eyes out after male fans stole her gold rings after she got on stage and shook hands with fans.
